FIRE: Financial Independence, And Retire Early
FIRE: Financial Independent – Retire Early.
Have you heard this before? There’s a fast growing group of people that have achieved FIRE or working really hard to achieve FIRE. The formula for FIRE is saving up a huge amount of money (also known as attaining the “FI” – financial independence), so you can quit your daily job at a young age (also known as being able to “RE” – retire early), and live the life on your own terms.
Why would you want to retire early if you like working?
Don’t get me wrong… being financially independent and retire young doesn’t mean that you’ll stop working or earning money. The early retired people are still working on a less-stressful job of their choice (mostly passive incomes) that brings in money but not because they HAVE to, but because they WANT to. They’re in control and all are based on their terms!
How will you achieve “FI” (Financial Independence)?
Let me tell you that FIRE is very personal. It is planning and working for your OWN dream with the RESOURCES available to you.
The KEY is having the desire to make more money, save as much of it and plan a retirement that will be attainable with what you’ve got. There’s no magic number, it differs from person to person
Happiness vs. Frugality
When I first encountered FIRE, I thought it was impossible. I couldn’t even imagine cutting my expenses in order to save a huge chunk of my income. I’ve done a lot of self-assesment.
Do I need more stuff? Does all the stuff I buy make me happier? Of course, my quick answer to it is… YES!
I thought to myself, this is nuts! But it’s a realization I didn’t want to take for granted. So, I saved! I cut my expenses and found ways to make more bucks. I realize that working till I’m grey and old, dealing with life’s stress, is NOT the way I want to end up.
Live like nobody now, and live like nobody else later.
Make extra money.
Make your money work for you.
Living life on your terms.

The More You Maintain A More Frugal Life, Smart Investing And Working Side Hustles, The Quicker You’ll Achieve Financial Independence And Retire Early.
Start with the basics:
- Are you willing to cut your spending — to budget your earnings on just the things that you really need?
- Can you save as much of your income?
- Are you ready to find ways on making more money?
- Start investing.