Yes, those little ones!
Small savings, when combined, can help you achieve your financial goals. Below are “painless” life hacks that are easier to follow than you think.
It’s Not Your Salary That Makes you Rich, It’s your Spending Habits

Get a roommate whom you trust.
Splitting the home rental cost with a trusted person will save tons of money on your expenses. Or use AIRBNB and rent your home or a room or few rooms anytime you want all year round.
Start a piggy bank.
Small change adds up!
Keeping your spare coins on it will give you a good amount once filled. I use Acorn Investing. It’s a simple and secure way to invest in your future automatically. It rounds up every purchase and invest the change in a robo-advisor managed portfolio.
Use lemon half to clean your bathroom.
Instead of spending more on chemical cleaners, save more by using a lemon half to erase water stains. Plus, your bathroom will smell great!
Spend on neutral clothing.
Black, white and grey clothes are easier to mix and match with your accessories. This way, you won’t have to splurge on a bunch of clothes.
Use drying racks or clotheslines.
Lessen your power bill by doing the old-fashioned way. Hang your clothes instead of using an electric dryer most especially if you have enough time to let it air-dry. This also makes your clothes last much lon
Lower the brightness on your TV and computer screens.
You can save on power consumption by 40% by lowering the brightness and also does good to your eyesight.
Eat 12 meals or more at home a week.
Meals done at home are cheaper. Maximize your savings by limiting your eating-out spree at 1-2 times a month.
Coffee lover? Brew your own coffee!
As a coffee lover myself, I know this is a tough one. Store-bought coffees are a dollar or two more expensive than that of the ones you can brew by yourself. Brewing your own coffee will save you hundreds of dollars per year!
Freezing is everything.
Of course, make sure you know what’s freezable and what’s not. Freezer makes food last, this way you’ll never have to worry on wasting food that’s not scheduled for today’s cooking.
Drink water before eating.
Thirst can be mistaken for hunger. Drinking water before meals can avoid overeating, thus cutting your food expenses while making you healthier.
Wrap your leafy veggies with tin foil before refrigerating.
This way, lettuce, broccoli and celery (and the likes) will remain crisp for 3 weeks or more.


Make a grocery list.
Save money and time by writing down the things that you need to buy rather than just wandering down the grocery aisles to find and pick nonessential items. Being organized is the key!
Use Coupons
Did you know that you can use a manufacturer’s coupon and a store coupon on the same item? Well, you can. Did you know that you can use two coupons on a buy-one-get-one-free sale? Well, you can.
Go for the back shelves.
Grocery stores always push the older merchandise to the front and the place those with later expiry dates at the back. Check expiration dates to make sure you bring home the freshest and longer-lasting items.
Avoid buying peeled or cleanly-cut fruits and veggies.
This packaging that aims to give convenience to some can also be considered as a waste of money. Fruits and veggies become more expensive when bought peeled or cut.
Always ask.
Promotions and tips on getting discounts are not always offered proactively by sellers (travel agencies, care rentals, gas/phone/card companies, internet providers or even your insurance agent). This being true, you should always ask if there’s a way to lower your costs.
Credit cards deals.
The single best way to earn large amounts of miles and points is through cards. If you’re responsible and pay your bills on time, getting even a single card can help you see the world.
If you have a lot of baggage, upgrade to first-class!
Excess baggage fees nowadays can cost even more than a first-class upgrade. Check the rates, mostly, first-class flights give you room for 70lbs of luggage or even more, so it’s a better bargain.
Use the “incognito mode” on your internet browser when searching for cheap flights.
Most travel & flight websites can track if you are looking for specific rates repeatedly. When this happens, rates increase. Using the incognito mode will leave them no hint of you browsing their website.