"Every great dream begins with a dreamer. You have within you the strength, the patience, and the passion to reach for the stars to change the world."
- Miss Fire
Every Journey Begins with a Single Step
In 2001, at a young age of 21, I had barely graduated college, with little to no hope, I migrated to the US. For a couple of years, did a few odd jobs to eke out a living. Fortunately, my sister suggested I try working in health insurance. In the beginning, I wish I can tell you, I was born to do it. But the truth is, I struggled, and many times I’ve thought of giving up.
I had to force myself to get out of my comfort zone. I worked hard on learning the insurance system, process and the art of selling coverage that my clients needed. In a relatively short time, I became one of my agency’s top producers. Shortly after, I was hired away by a commercial agency for bigger opportunity to handle business accounts and coverage.
Pain Helps Us Rise Up Even Stronger
When the going gets tough, the tough gets going...
Things seemed to be going well, then shit happened. I was rear-ended — twice! — in auto accidents and, for a while, I was unable to work. I went on disability and lost my job. I felt trapped, hopeless and depressed. It took over a year and half to recover and got some healing done to my body. My specialist suggested a surgery on my spine due to horrible pain cause by whiplash but I didn’t want to do it due to its delicate procedure. But I chose not to do the surgery and chose to heal naturally.
Don't Give Up
Do you ever wonder why do bad things happen to good people? I’m a good person. I go to church, I help people, I give a generous 20% tip, I recycle, I drive careful and most of the time within the speed limit. Why not just one but two car accidents within two months? I could have easily given up but I had to will myself and believed that things are going to get better.
I believe this to be true, there’s always hope at the end of the tunnel.
I was determined not to be defeated by my chronic pain and my career setback. In October 2013, still having chronic pain, I made a decision to go back and work as an independent health insurance agent. This time, armed with experience and determination, I made a decision to make things happen.
Life’s past failures are the best lessons isn’t it? This time, at age 32, I went back to be an independent agent for the second time. I was back with a vengeance. I felt like nobody could stop me. I realized that skills and performance can be learned, behavior is a choice and persistence can become a matter of habit. My goal was to make 100K in less than 2 years. Armed with determination, working 55-60 hours a week, I did it! I’ve succeeded, bringing in more than $100,000 in 14 months.
I don’t consider myself an exceptionally talented person but I knew what I wanted and put in the work. A few short years later, I was able to achieve financial independence. I want to invite you to join me on my journey of living life to the fullest. Although I no longer need to work, I’m able to continue to monetize my time and continue to make more money, invest in businesses that create good products, and make a difference. There’s nothing like living life on your own terms. Only you can know your own terms and what it would mean to live life the way you want. It’s your life, take control of it and whatever situation you’re in, if you don’t like it, change it. You have one life to live, make it count! JOIN ME!
Charity work
Miss FIRE, much like Lydia from the Bible, is a successful businesswoman whose achievements go beyond commercial success. As an investor and owner of multiple businesses, Miss FIRE is committed to uplifting the less fortunate, serving the low-income population, and supporting God’s mission to spread His love for humanity. Her business approach prioritizes making a meaningful difference in the lives of those she serves, beyond mere financial gain. Here is a list of the companies, charities, and churches we fund.
- Make A Wish – https://wish.org
- Compassion – https://www.compassion.com
- Tim Tebow Foundation – https://timtebowfoundation.org
- Churchome – https://www.churchome.org
- Radical – Radical.net
- Union Gospel Mission – https://ugmportland.org
- Portland Rescue Mission – https://portlandrescuemission.org
- A21 – A21.org
- Crazy Love Ministries – https://www.crazylove.org
- City Gate Church – https://citygate.tv
- Practicing The Way – https://practicingtheway.churchcenter.com/home
- Revelation Church – https://www.revelationchurchla.org
- HerMovement – https://tetelestaiministries.com/hervoicemvmt/
- Gateway – https://gatewaypeople.com
- Tree of Life – https://actintl.givingfuel.com/tree-of-life
- Joyce Meyer Ministry – https://joycemeyer.org
- Apple of His Eye Charity – https://appleofhiseyecharity.org
- Beaverton Christian – https://beaverton.cc
- Jews For Jesus – https://jewsforjesus.org
- Christians United for Israel – https://my.cufi.org/